Do you work with Extension agents or want to learn more about Extension supported tourism projects from across the country. Join the National Extension Tourism Conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 24-27, 2023!

This year the NET Conference will be in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for the first time. Wisconsin is known as a prime agritourism destination and is situated near two great lakes.

The theme of the conference is “Envisioning the Future of Extension in Tourism” and will focus on social justice issues, the COVID-19 pandemic, and other related tourism topics. The NET conference encourages Extension professionals, academic faculty, industry professionals, students, and people working in tourism and recreation to join. 

Register here:

Here is an opportunity to learn about tourism management perspectives outside of Oregon. Join the Regenerative Tourism Conference at the Waikiki Prince Hotel on Oahu, Hawaii on August 8-9, 2023!

Co-sponsored by the Northeast Asia Economic Forum and Hawaii Sea Grant, this event focuses on sustainable tourism management. Explore current research, education, and active destination management solutions in the Asia-Pacific Region. Learn from experts and network with industry professionals and stakeholders. Field trips to Hanauma Bay and Diamond Head Monument are offered on August 9 to learn about current destination management of these sites.

Information on Registration

Hello, I’m Abigail, a senior at Oregon State University pursuing a degree in sustainable tourism management. I am interning with OSU Sea Grant Extension’s Tourism Program. I am working with Miles Phillips, an associate professor specializing in tourism within the extension program.

Throughout my internship, I aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of key industry organizations, the economic effects of tourism, customer service practices, and customer service training.This internship is an opportunity for me to gain practical experience in the field of sustainable tourism.

As part of my responsibilities, I will be writing blog articles for the Extension’s Sustainable Tourism Blog. This will allow me to contribute valuable content and share insights related to sustainable tourism. Additionally, I will work with the Guides and Outfitter Recognized Professional Program (GORP).