Our Zoom events are hosted by Oregon State University. You can join a Zoom meeting or webinar without downloading any plugins or software.
You can join using your web client/browser (like Google Chrome). You may need to sign in to a Zoom account. If you do not have a Zoom account during your login process you will be given the option to create a Zoom account, click Sign Up Free. For more help getting into Zoom CLICK HERE.
Hardware considerations for attending our virtual events:
click the link provided and select join by audio and join by video to login on your computer and see and hear the presentation
we can see your face and we can hear you speak
click the link provided and select join by video to login on your computer and hear the presentationandcall in on your phone to allow us to hear your voice OR submit your comments to us through our chat which you will see on your screen
click the link provided to login on your computer to SEE the presentationandcall in on your phone to allow us to hear your voice OR submit your comments to us through our chat which you will see on your screen
dial the number provided and enter the meeting number. This works fine for audio-only presentations. However if the presentation includes people you want to see and/or any images or slides, obviously you won’t have access to that.