Serving the locals and welcoming the tourists
To add onto the great amount of sustainability being practiced by 7 Devils, the beer company has contributed a great amount to the local community. Hiring local musicians to play live music was an idea that started when they saw that there was a niche that needed to be filled. They wanted more music and culture in the community.
“The way I think about it is that locals keep us going and then the tourism dollars are the cream on top,” said Pollard. “Our business doubles in the summer and a lot of that is tourist coming in. We wouldn’t have profit if it weren’t for the tourist but we wouldn’t have our doors open year round if it weren’t for the locals.”
As more people are visiting Coos Bay and 7 Devils, more people are needed to work. Pollard and Matthews are responsible for 40 employees during the summer, which puts a lot of pressure to be successful.
Even the beer itself is contributing to the local economy. Most of the hops used are from local farms, to reduce their carbon footprint. By the end of the year they are switching over to a local grower from the Willamette Valley, Crosby Hop Farms, too increase the percentage of local hops used. They will also be adding several varieties of Certified Salmon Safe hops.
“The whole process is just to not put extra nutrients and runoff into creeks that are going to damage the spawning and rearing grounds of salmon.” said Pollard. “So you are organically farming but you are also making efforts making sure your runoff isn’t causing silt or eutrophication in the streams.”
One of the beers, the Chinook Redd, referencing a salmon’s nest, is going to only have 100% salmon safe hops, and hopefully as many of the other beers will too. One of their seasonal beers, the Hydrant Wheat, contributes to the local firehouse. 20% of the gross sales from that beer is donated. The total amount of generosity, among with some other donations can account up to $25,000 a year that is donated to non-profits, according to Pollard.
7 Devils Brewing self distributes their beer, as far north to Florence, east to Elkton and south to Gold Beach to over 50 accounts. They are in the process of applying to a grant in order to put more solar panels on the roof to power the refrigeration of the beer.
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