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Oregon Marine Reserve Area Training Program (MRTP)
The Marine Reserve Area Training Program consists of short online courses about Oregon Marine Reserves and is primarily intended for interpretive volunteers and professional guides. The courses are however open to the public.
When the health crisis passes over, people will really be ready for an exceptional outdoor experience lead by a professional GORP certified guide!
While we Shelter-In-Place to prevent the spread of Corona Virus 19 pandemic, online learning is a great way to spend your time and build your business. All courses are online, and you complete them from home on your own schedule.
MRTP tuition is 100% free.
Click Here to Register for MRTP
There are six courses in the Marine Reserve Area Training Program (MRTP). One course that presents the system as a whole and one for each of the five marine reserves.
Each course should take about 30 minutes to complete the reading and quizzes. You may work on them at your own convenience.
After completing the system course you will be given the opportunity to select which marine reserve course you would like to complete next.
Here’s a snippet of what you will learn:
- What constitutes a marine reserve and protected area in Oregon and how does that compare to others around the world
- What science goes on in these designated areas and what purpose does it serve
- How do the reserves function and who manages them
- What habitats and organisms can be found at the reserves
- What makes each reserve unique
- What monitoring programs are underway
- What restrictions exist
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife provides information about the Oregon Marine Reserves and Marine Protected Areas online at
The Marine Reserve Area Training Program (MRTP) is available as a stand alone program, however it was developed in conjunction with the Guide and Outfitters Recognized Professional (GORP) program.
MRTP and GORP development was led by Miles Phillips, Professor of Tourism, and Hilary Johnson, Oregon Sea Grant & Oregon State University Extension. For more information, please see