When we are lucky, the skies are clear and if light pollution is low then the sky above is filled with stars. It is a spectacular view to see and if you look close you can see some important starts that have been used for navigation for a very long time.

The Big Dipper

The Big Dipper is an asterism, or a group of notable stars that form a pattern, in the constellation Ursa Major, also known as the Great Bear. Due to it’s prominent shape and brightness, it is one of the most familiar star shapes in the northern sky.

It contains eight stars where seven are usually visible to most. The Big Dipper is named for the shape the stars appear in, a handle and a bowl.

Each of these stars have a name. Starting from the handle and going around to the bottom of the bowl they are known as: Alkaid, Mizar-Alcor (the first double star to be discovered through a telescope), Aloith, Megrex, Phecda, Merak and Dubhe.


Another important star to know is the North Star, Polaris. This star is very easy to find if you know where the Big Dipper is.

If you draw a line through the two outer stars of the bowl it points right to it! Many sailors’ depended on this star to navigate because it points the direction of north.

Using the Big Dipper to find the North Star

Love Trivia Quizes?

Oregon Coast

You can now take…and share a quick trivia quiz to learn about the Oregon Marine Reserves!

As part of the efforts to help inform people about Oregon’s natural resources and especially the Oregon Marine Reserves we have created an online trivia quiz. This quiz supports our six online short courses (30 minutes) that address the reserve system at each of five reserves.


Find the Oregon Marine Trivia Quiz at: https://milesphillips.typeform.com/to/JVL2Y9

Find the Marine Reserve courses at: https://seagrant.oregonstate.edu/tourism/training/oregon-marine-reserves

In an effort to try and help share key informaiton related to managing your business during the COVID19 situation here is a link to an article that may help. Remember the Small Business Development Centers in your area can be a great service also, even though they are of course also busy and adjusting to the virus situation. https://bizcenter.org/

Here’s how to get a small business loan under the $349 billion coronavirus aid bill