WEBINAR Tuesday, March 10 @5pm PST – TALKING WITH YOUR GUESTS – Tips on creating special value in your services. Interpreting common items and topics for your guests.

Example will highlight 5 common trees of the Oregon Coastal Range but could be fisheries, history, geology etc. This GORP event is free & open to the public.

To attend the webinar at 5 pm pst Tuesday, March 10, 2020.
By computer click this link…oregonstate.zoom.us/j/810862795
By phone dial …. 1 669 900 6833 (in US) meeting ID#810 862 795 

(hit “#” when you are asked to enter your participant number)
As always, the upcoming webinar will be recorded on posted on this website under GORP EVENTS.

The Outdoor Recreation Economy Initiative (OREI) was launched by the division in January, 2019, with the support of OSU Impact Studio.

Now in the pilot phase of development, Lee Davis, OREI executive director, shares an update with Extension and Engagement’s Associate Vice Provost Lindsey Shirley in this month’s First Monday Update. 


OREI is focused on workforce training, and community and economic development. Watch the video to learn why OSU Extension adds credibility to the initiative, the type of training that is being launched and what the future of OREI might look like.